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| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |


ER 4211

Characteristics: A medium coated rutile type all position electrode for work of structural importance .The electrode operates with quite arc, deposit radiographic weld and smooth bead with fine ripples give medium penetration, least spatter and easily detachable slag.
Typical Application: Suitable for general fabrications, structural steels, truck bodies, steel furniture and maintenance work
Typical Weld Metal Chemistry %
C Mn Si S P
0.08 0.43 0.25 0.02 0.02

TYPICAL ALL WELD Mechanical Properties:
in area %
at 0°C Value J
47- 56 37-49 22-28 50-70 50-80

Current Condition : AC (50 V) or DC (-)

Welding Current :
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00 6.30
Amp 60-80 90-110 140-180 190-220 250-320



| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |



Characteristics: A heavy coated rutile type electrode for superior finish where radiographic quality at high welding speed is desired, gives low splatter and excellent self peeling slag , can be used as touch electrode.
Typical Application: Storage tank, Locomotive fire boxes, LPG Cylinders, Pressure vessels , Rail coaches panel , fine steel furniture , auto components , Pipe lines and Boilers
Typical Weld Metal Chemistry %
C Mn Si S P
0.075 0.48 0.25 0.02 0.02
TYPICAL ALL WELD Mechanical Properties:
at 0°C kgf m
49- 56 40-46 27.00 8.00
Current Condition: AC (50 V) or DC (-)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 60-100 100-160 140-180 180-220


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |


EB 5426H2X

Characteristics: A medium heavy coated, all-position, basic type low hydrogen electrode for welding of mild steel , medium high tensile , carbon steel upto 0.4 % carbon . Can also be used for repairs in cast-iron (Pre-heating for large parts) where non-machinable welds are permissible. Gives sound radiographic quality welds having excellent mechanical properties. The electrode gives good penetration, strong arc, easy detachable slag and smooth uniform weld bead.
Typical Application: For depositing buffer layer before hardfacing, welding of mild steel plates of thickness exceeding 20 mm, joining cast iron to mild steel
Typical Weld Metal
Chemistry %
C Mn Si S P
0.10max 0.50-1.20 0.30-0.60 0.030 0.030
TYPICAL ALL WELD Mechanical Properties:
at -30°C kgf m
54 45 24-30 3.0
Welding Condition: AC (70 V) or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 100-140 140-190 190-250


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |


EB 5426 H3JX

Characteristics: Heavy coated low hydrogen Iron powder basic type all position electrode, Developed to weld heavy restrained joint subject to dynamic loading. The weld deposit is radiographic tough and ductile quality. Deposit efficiency is 115%
Typical Application: Where subject to dynamic load and impact, highly restrained joints, boilers and pressure vessels, atomic reactor shells, bridges, railway wagon and coaches, earth moving machinery and equipment's etc.
Typical Chemical Composition %
C Mn Si S P
0.10max 1.10 0.45 0.03max 0.03max
TYPICAL ALL WELD Mechanical Properties:
at -30°C kgf m
55 44 28.0 5.0

Welding Condition: AC (90 V) or DC (+)

Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00 6.30
Amp 70-100 100-140 150-190 200-250 270-320


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

Hard Alloy - I

Classification: A medium - heavy coated, rutile type electrode, depositing air hardening type weld metal of approximately 250 BHN hardness. The weld is machinable. Very stable arc, easily removable slag and smooth weld bead.
Typical Application: Welding of tram tyres, gears, pinion teeth, couplings, sugar cane crushers, hammers & spindles machinery etc.
Typical hardness: 250 Brinell approx.
Typical weld Chemistry %
C Cr Mn Mo Si
0.15 0.70 0.40 1.00 0.25
Current Condition: AC or DC (-)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 100-120 140-180 180-220


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

Hard Alloy - II

Classification: A medium - heavy coated, rutile type electrode, depositing air hardening type weld metal of approximately 350 Brinell hardness. The weld deposit is highly resistant to abrasive wear with good toughness properties. The weld metal is machine able with carbide tool.
Typical Application: Suitable for welding of coupling, cog wheels, crawler parts, punch dies, nail ends and crossing, steel castings etc.
Hardness on 3 Layers: 330-380 Brinell approx
Weld Metal Chemistry %
C Cr Mn Si
0.25 3.00 0.60 0.40
Current Condition: AC or DC (-)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 100-120 140-180 180-220


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

Hard Alloy - III

Classification: A medium-heavy coated, rutile type air hardening electrode for hard facing application on mild steel, carbon steel and low alloy steel where 500 brinell hardness is required and is non machine able can only be ground. The weld deposit has excellent resistance to abrasion and moderate resistance to impact
Typical Application: Metal cutting and forming tools, punches, die drill bits, shears and choppers, oil expellers, cane cutting knives, conveyors, buckets and mixer blades, dipper teeth etc.
Hardness on 3 Layers: 500 Brinell approx
Typical weld Chemistry %
C Cr Mn Mo Si V
0.60 6.50 0.35 0.55 0.40 0.45
Current Condition: AC or DC (-)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 70-100 110-130 140-180 180-220


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

Hard Alloy - III LH

Characteristics: A medium - heavy coated, hydrogen controlled basic type, iron powder electrode giving a smooth arc, medium penetration and least spatter. Slag easily detachable. The weld deposit is extremely hard, sound and non-machine able. The hydrogen controlled basic type coating enables the electrode to be used in high carbon and high sulphur steel, without inducting under bead cracking or porosity. The weld deposit can only be ground and weld metal can withstand wear due to abrasion as well as impacts.
Typical Applications: Suitable for bamboo chipper knives, cane cutting knives, punches, dies, drilling bits, shears and surfacing/rebuilding of mill hammers for pulverizing cast and other parts subject to friction and abrasion.
Hardness on 3 Layers: 550-600 Brinell approx
Typical weld Chemistry %
C Cr Mn Mo Si V
0.65 7.50 0.60 0.90 0.65 0.50
Current Condition: AC (70V) or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 100-130 150-190 190-230


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

Hard Alloy - V

Characteristics: A medium - heavy coated, basic graphitic type electrode for hard - facing and build up of worn out machine parts and components. The weld deposit is alloyed cast iron, which is hard and extremely resistant to abrasion and metal to metal wear. The build up service does not deteriorate through furrowing, local plastic flow and micro cracking.
Typical Application: Suitable for dredger, bucket lips., oil expeller worms , concrete mixer blades , scrapper blades , screw conveyors , cement die rings , Muller tyres , ploughshares , dippers excavator teeth etc .
Hardness on 3 Layers: 575-625 Brinell approx
Typical Weld Metal Chemistry %
C Mn Cr Si
2.50 1.20 3.50 0.35
Current Condition: AC or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 100-120 140-180 180-220


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

Cast Alloy

A5.15 E Ni-Fe-Cl

Characteristics: Cast alloy and electrode specially manufactured for repairing and maintenance work. It does not pick up carbon from base metal character. Its deposit remain ductile soft and easily machine able.
Typical Application: Suitable for joining and repairing of fereitic and peartitic high strength spheroid cal graphic graphite type cast iron. Also used for joining cast iron to steel.
Typical Weld Metal Chemistry %
C Fe Ni Si
1.50 Balance 55.00 0.60
Current Condition: AC or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 40-70 70-100 100-130 140-180


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |


E Ni-Cu-B

Characteristics: Monel is medium coated electrode with monel core wire developed for welding and surfacing of cast iron . The arc is soft and stable with least spatter. Weld metal is machine able, free from cracks and has best color matching.
Typical Application: Suitable for welding of cast iron parts correcting matching errors on castings, rebuilding worn surface, joining cast iron to steel, surfacing of cast iron parts as well as non - ferrous materials.
Typical Weld Metal
Chemistry %
C Ni Mn Fe Si Cu
0.40 65.00 0.80 2.00 0.60 Balance
Current Condition: AC or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 50-70 70-110 110-140 140-170


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

SS - 304

AWS / A 5.4
E 308-16
E 19.9

Characteristics: SS - 304 stainless steel is a all position medium heavy coated rutile based electrode yielding weld metal Cr-19, Ni-9. Resistant to atmospheric corrosion, 3 to 7 % ferritic gives resistant to corrosion and cracking at temperature upto 800 °C. The weld metal has excellent creep strength and is of radiographic quality.
Typical Application: Suitable for AISI 301, 302, 304 and 308 type applications includes all Cr, Ni steel of 18/8 type, welding of household articles, hospital apparatus, milk and soap industry, apparatus for nitric and acetic acid etc.
Typical Weld Metal
Chemistry %
C Mn Si Cr Ni
0.06 1.40 0.45 19.00 10.00
Typical all weld Mechanical properties
600 40
Current Condition: AC (70V) or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 40-60 80-100 100-140 140-160


| Special | SS | 7016 | 7018 | Hard Alloy - I |
| Hard Alloy - II | Hard Alloy - III | Hard Alloy - III LH | Hard Alloy - V |
| Cast Alloy | Monel | SS 304 | SS 316 | Contact us | Home |

SS - 316

AWS / A 5.4
E 316-16
E 19.12.2

Characteristics: An all position radiographic quality 316 type Stainless steel electrode with controlled ferrite content for maximum resistance to stress, hot cracking & chemical corrosion. Weld metal can withstand temperature upto 850 C and has excellent creep resistance. The presence of molybdenum enables it to resist corrosive agents. Easy arc striking and re- striking, excellent arc stability & low spatter loss ensures easy and uniform welding.
Typical Application: Welding of Stainless steel content 16 to 21 Cr, 10 to 15 % Ni & 2 to 3 % Mo like AISI 316 and 317 type, stainless steel cladding plates, chemical plant, paint and dye industry.
Typical Weld Metal
Chemistry %
C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.06 1.40 0.48 18.90 11.80 2.50
Typical all weld Mechanical properties
580 38
Current Condition: AC or DC (+)
Welding Current:
Size/MM 2.50 3.15 4.00 5.00
Amp 40-60 80-100 100-140 140-160
